C&D Diversion

C&D Recycling Feasibility Studies

NRRA held the second of three Summits in Lancaster, NH as part of our EPA grant-funded North Country C&D Diversion 2.0 project, which focuses on bulky waste diversion and reuse; asphalt, brick, and concrete (ABC) recycling; and the idea of deconstruction. 

North Country Furniture, Appliances, and Architectural Salvage Reuse & Donation Ideas

Key Takeaway: When passing along items, be sure they are in usable condition – if you wouldn’t use it, don’t assume someone else will. If it’s broken, smelly, overly stained, etc., it won’t be a good candidate for donation.  


Asphalt, Brick, and Concrete Recycling in the NH North Country - Feasibility Study

In 2023 and 2024, the recycling nonprofit Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) engaged local solid waste management stakeholders, including transfer station operators and town leaders, to better understand the construction and demolition debris (C&D) diversion and reuse landscape in the North Country, New Hampshire (NH).

Construction and Demolition Diversion Solutions for Coös County, NH


In 2023, the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) engaged local solid waste management stakeholders, including Transfer Station operators and town leaders, to better understand the construction and demolition debris (C&D) diversion and reuse landscape in Coös County, New Hampshire.

Case Study: Lancaster C&D Reuse Pilot Program

Case Study: Lancaster Transfer Station Construction & Demolition Reuse Pilot Program and Audit


- Total days of pilot: 53
- Days open to public: 22
- Pounds diverted: 3,078

- Tipping fees saved: $118.50
- Hauling costs saved: $44.48
- Total costs saved: $162.98

- Container space saved: 15.4%