
We are grateful for the support!

You may donate using the form below, or you are welcome to mail a check payable to "NRRA" to 2101 Dover Road (NH Rt.4) Epsom, NH 03234 or call us at (603) 736-4401 to make a donation by phone. 

Why Support NRRA? 

Your fully tax deductible contribution to the Northeast Resource Recovery Association will help strengthen recycling programs throughout New England.

Your Support Helps Communities Recycle

Founded in New Hampshire, NRRA has enabled communities throughout New England to manage their own recycling programs and reduce their waste for forty years.  Together, we partner with municipalities and our donors to make recycling strong through economic and environmentally sound solutions.  We support municipalities with cooperative marketing of recyclables and provide technical assistance and education to ensure their recycling programs are financially sustainable and environmentally responsible. 

We are a member-driven non-profit. 

Your Support Sustains a Unique Recycling Model

NRRA is one of only a handful of nonprofits in the country that offers a cooperative marketing model for recycling.  This means that we connect our member municipalities with recyclables to the companies that turn those recyclables into new products and packaging.  Last year, NRRA returned over $1.8 million dollars in revenue to its municipal members from the sale of their recyclables.  Our specialty is assisting small, rural communities who would otherwise lack the quantity of material to receive the best pricing at market.  

Your Support Protects the Environment 

Recycling conserves valuable natural resources.  Last year, we enabled our members to recycle enough material to remove the equivalent of 22,393 passenger cars from the road for an entire year.

Support our Work!

You can donate online by filling out the form below, through the mail, or over the phone.