Recycling Conference Registration for North Country Operators

Thanks to a Recycling Education and Outreach Grant through the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), each the following municipalities are eligible to receive FREE registration for FOUR INDIVIDUAL DAYS of NRRA's 2025 Recycling Conference!
Bath, Berlin, Bethlehem, Carroll, Clarksville, Colebrook, Columbia, Dalton, Dummer, Easton, Errol, Franconia, Gorham, Jefferson, Lancaster, Landaff, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Milan, Monroe, Northumberland, Pittsburg, Randolph, Shelburne, Stark, Stewartstown, Stratford, Sugar Hill, Whitefield.
How does it work?
It's a choose your own adventure of conference attendance! We have set it up this way so that you can get the most out of your attendance. If you have questions, please reach out.
TWO attendees: attend the full 2-day conference
THREE attendees: one person attends 2-days, and the other two people each attend 1 day of the conference (day of your choice - Monday OR Tuesday)
FOUR attendees: each attend 1-day of their choice.
Additional Attendees - $140 per day until 4/11/25 (by 12PM) to receive "early bird" rate!
How much does it cost?
Attendance for 4 Individual Conference Days is FREE (covered by a grant NRRA secured through the EPA). Additional attendees will need to pay the "Additional Attendee" Rate listed above.
In addition to the free registration, NRRA will also be offering a travel and lodging stipend to the free registration attendees. The stipend is designed to cover most, if not all, of the conference costs. Our hope is to offer the opportunity to attend the NRRA Recycling Conference free of charge to as many North Country operators as possible!
What if I don't have a transfer station in my town, even if it's listed above?
If your town is part of a recycling center or transfer station that serves more than one town listed above, then each town represented by the facility can receive the 4 Individual Conference Days!
How do I know if I can attend?
Even if your town is listed above, it's important to check with your Transfer Station Manager or Public Works Director (if you do not have a TS Manager). They will be the ones to make the final determination regarding attendance from your town. If your facility serves more than one town listed above, then each town represented by the facility can receive the 4 Individual Conference Days! If you have questions, please reach out.
What if my town isn't on the list?
Because this is a grant-funded opportunity, only the grant eligible towns listed above are able to access the limited free conference registrations. We invite you to join us at the Recycling Conference at the current registration rate - you can find more information on the Conference Registration page.
EPA Disclaimer: This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement 4Y-84078701 to Northeast Resource Recovery Association. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA.