News & Events

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Recent News


Each year, NRRA tracks bills regarding solid waste and recycling throughout the legislative session on our Policy & Legislation page. As a matter of policy, NRRA d oes not take a position on any proposed legislation. However, we do occasionally provide testimony reflecting NRRA’s experience supporting municipalities with their...Read more


This year, there are several bills working their way through the New Hampshire legislature that have to do with solid waste and recycling (we are following them on our Policy & Legislation page !) And though NRRA does not take a position for or against any...Read more

Recycling markets - they go up, they go down - driven by economic, environmental, local, and global factors. But how did the markets do this year? Let's take a look!

At NRRA’s Annual Meeting in November 2024, Brian Patnoe, NRRA Member Services Director, shared several graphs to demonstrate trends in...Read more