NRRA Membership

We’re committed to the success of our members by extending our valuable membership benefits to help improve skills, enhance operations, and effectively manage recyclables and solid waste. We do this by partnering with members to make recycling strong through economic and environmentally sound solutions.
Municipal Membership Benefits
Discounts & Exclusive Access to NRRA Events
- Fall Bus Tour
- Member Operations & Marketing (MOM) Meetings
- Annual Meeting
- Roundtables and summits
- Workshops for NHDES credit
Annual Recycling Conference
Conference sponsorship opportunities are available.
Visit our Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities page for more information on how you can sponsor or exhibit at this year's conference and the corresponding sponsorship benefits.
Cooperative Marketing & Purchasing:
- Understanding the recycling markets can be essential to marketing your commodities. Exclusive access to our Monthly Market Update helps you better understand the ever-changing landscape of the recycling market, with short term pricing and historical market context.
- All NRRA vendors are screened to ensure reputability. By having a pool of high quality vendors, we can offer members the most beneficial option for moving their materials.
- We handle inevitable market challenges for you - often, before you even know it! NRRA assists with resolving issues between our members and vendors, such as price, grading, contamination, damage to equipment or facility, and more.
- Cooperative purchasing lets you access recycling infrastructure at a better negotiated rate. This includes balers, skid steers, trailers, and storage containers.
- The NRRA Annual Activity Report details your cooperative marketing and purchasing transactions for the calendar year and is useful for facilities when completing the annual NHDES report.
- Members receive a customized Environmental Impact Report that highlights the many positive impacts of their recycling efforts over the past calendar year. Most members have this eye-catching report included in their Annual Town Report!
Find more information on the logistics and finance member benefits.
Learn more about our Cooperative Marketing and Cooperative Purchasing programs.
Support & Development:
- Answers are just a phone call away! Our highly qualified Member Services team is committed to providing technical assistance, helping to educate members on efficient and cost-effective operations, how to maximize their returns on recycling, and more. Online Waste Reduction and Diversion Toolkits provide 24-hour access to resources and answers to many technical assistance questions.
- New Hampshire operators are required to complete a minimum of 2.5 hours of continuing education each year. NRRA works closely with NHDES and is able to provide NHDES credits for our workshops and events, both in-person and virtual.
- Finding the right person for the job is key. That's why members have access to our classifieds section on the NRRA website and our Full of Scrap newsletter for your job postings and "for sale" items. To submit a classified, email
- Our Grant Opportunities page keeps members up to date on available state and national grants for solid waste and recycling facilities. New Hampshire members have the additional benefit of grant processing assistance for New Hampshire the Beautiful bins, signs, and grant applications for recycling infrastructure.
Learn more about grant opportunities.
View the NRRA Classifieds section.
Check out available webinars for NHDES credit.
Education & Communication:
- We are continually updating our recycling education programs and offerings to best serve our members' needs. From our Recycle Right campaign and story maps, to our printable posters and Recycling 101 presentation, we strive to provide the most up to date educational resources for operators, decisionmakers, and residents.
- Monthly Member Operations & Marketing meetings allow operators to gather and discuss challenges and opportunities, to learn about market conditions, and to problem solve for a variety of topics such as signage, traffic flow, equipment, and time management.
- Members can request free recycling postcards, handouts, and recycling education - customized for your facility.
- Connect with operators across the Northeast through to our exclusive municipal member email listserv.
- The Full of Scrap bi-weekly newsletter provides the latest news and updates on recycling and waste reduction in the Northeast.
- Find NRRA on social media!
- The NRRA Website is a wealth of information, available 24 hours a day.
Learn more about education and technical assistance member benefits.
Sign up for the Full of Scrap newsletter.
Become a Municipal Member:
Municipal membership is available to all municipalities in the Northeast.
Membership Fee is .08/capita ($ 125 minimum/$ 1,900 maximum)
- The municipal dues year runs from April 1st through March 31st (option for July 1 thru June 30 available upon request).
- Municipal membership fees can be prorated (by the quarter) for new members
- Municipal membership fees can be prorated (by the quarter) for new members
- To access some benefits, such as the Annual Recycling Conference Membership Pricing, you MUST be a member prior to October 1st of the previous year.
- Example: Municipal members joining prior to October 1, 2023 will receive the Conference Discount in 2024, members joining between October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 will receive the Conference Discount in 2025.
- Example: Municipal members joining prior to October 1, 2023 will receive the Conference Discount in 2024, members joining between October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 will receive the Conference Discount in 2025.
- Solid waste district dues are determined based on the entire district’s population, even if only one municipality within the district wishes to join. Once a solid waste district joins NRRA, the district and all its communities receive access to full benefits of NRRA voting municipal membership.
- Municipal members receive voting privileges at NRRA annual and special member meetings. The Municipality must select a representative to vote on their behalf (often a Select Board member, Town Administrator, Dept. of Public Works Director, Road Agent, or in some cases, a manager or supervisor from the transfer station or recycling center.)
Become an Associate Member:
Associate Membership is available to businesses, government agencies, non-profits, trade associations, and individuals.
Businesses; Government Agencies; Trade Associations: $250/year
Non-Profits: $150/year
Individual Membership: $ 75/year
- Benefits for Associate Members differ from Municipal Members and include:
- Discounts for the Annual Recycling Conference, Annual meeting, workshops, and other paid events
- Subscription to the bi-weekly Full of Scrap newsletter
- Free posting of classifieds on NRRA's website and Full of Scrap newsletter
- Associate membership helps to support NRRA’s mission of partnering to make recycling strong through economic and environmentally sound solutions. Thank you!
- Associate membership is not available to NRRA Vendors
- Associate dues year runs from October 1st through September 30th (can be prorated for new members)
- To access some benefits, such as the Annual Recycling Conference Membership Pricing, you MUST be a member prior to October 1st of the previous year.
- Example: Associate members joining prior to October 1, 2023 will receive the Conference Discount in 2024, members joining between October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 will receive the Conference Discount in 2025.
- Example: Associate members joining prior to October 1, 2023 will receive the Conference Discount in 2024, members joining between October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 will receive the Conference Discount in 2025.