C&D Recycling Feasibility Studies

NRRA held the second of three Summits in Lancaster, NH as part of our EPA grant-funded North Country C&D Diversion 2.0 project, which focuses on bulky waste diversion and reuse; asphalt, brick, and concrete (ABC) recycling; and the idea of deconstruction. 

Feasibility Study #1: Asphalt, Brick, and Concrete Recycling in the NH North Country

The goal of this study was to identify cost-effective and environmentally responsible options for the crushing and reuse of asphalt, brick, and concrete (ABC) for NH North Country towns. Three potential solutions were explored:

  1. ABC Pick Up (feasible): Hire a company that can pick up on site and process into a reusable aggregate.
  2. ABC Delivery (feasible): Find a location where towns can deliver to be processed into an aggregate.
  3. On-Site ABC Crushing (not feasible): Hire a company to go from town to town to crush into a reusable aggregate or to grind at one centralized location.

The ability and willingness of a local company to provide ABC services, combined with the cost-effectiveness of such services for North Country municipalities, were key criteria for evaluating the feasibility of handling ABC.  

Feasibility Study #2: Backhauling C&D from the North Country to a Reprocessing or Reuse Facility

The goal of this feasibility study was to determine if there is a cost-effective and environmentally sound way to backhaul C&D from the North Country to C&D recycling and reprocessing companies. Backhauling entails using the containers and trailers that bring material to North Country landfills to bring back C&D be processed, thus not returning empty.

Of the eight processors and haulers contacted by NRRA, only one had any interest in further exploring the option of backhauling C&D to Resource Waste Services in Epping, NH. The other companies sited state regulations, lack of availability, and lack of available material as reasons why they did not believe backhauling would be feasible.