
Increasing Waste Diversion - Beyond Recycling

On April 7, 2021, NRRA staff Reagan Bissonnette and Bonnie Bethune taught a workshop for the NH Department of Environmental Services on decreasing the amount of solid waste being sent to l

NRRA Green Cone Solar Digester Setup

Join NRRA as we set up a Green Cone Solar Digester in a residential yard to accept food scraps from the kitchen!


Green Cone Solar Digester Setup

NRRA Composting Through the Seasons

Composting during the summer months is easy, but what about composting the rest of the year? Join NRRA Education Manager, Heather Herring, as she explores composting through the seasons in your own backyard.

NRRA Composting Through the Seasons


Tuck Your Worms in at Night: Subpod Food Scrap Composting Setup Video

Keene, NH asked NRRA to research two food scrap composting systems in order to reduce the weight that is going into MSW (Municipal Solid Waste). Heather Herring created a video to show how she set up a Subpod composting system using worms in her yard to test the ease of setup, use, and amount of material she can keep out of the landfill. NRRA would love to work with organizations, schools, or restaurants in the Keene area using food scrap composting systems. Stay tuned for more as this project continues and for more videos!

Event Waste Reduction: Styling Your Event Recycling Plan

NHDES Credits:  .75 

Investigate all the options for zero waste event training programs that expand beyond NRRA's present RecycleMobile program. This includes access to NRRA’s Can Cage aluminum recycling program, additional container approaches, and basic training on how to plan for better materials purchasing and incorporating composting at events. Planning ahead is the most effective tool in reducing waste at special events. What you learn today can be used before, during and after your event.

We Need to Think About Clothing Differently

NHDES Credits:  .75

Our clothing, shoe and other textile waste that ends up in landfills has increased 300% since 1990 and it’s not getting any better. In fact, it's getting worse. With "fast fashion" becoming the new way for retail giants to increase profits and manufacturing of our clothing being sent to developing countries, we need to change the way we think about our clothing. It's no longer whether we should donate or recycle our clothing, it's how.

Extended Producer Responsibility

NHDES Credits:  1

What is the New England region doing about Extended Producer Responsibility for the end of a life of a product? Join the Northeast Resource Recovery Association, your recycling nonprofit, for this webinar to discuss these issues. Terri Goldberg is the Executive Director of the Northeast Waste Management Official's Association and Megan Pryor is an Environmental Specialist with the Maine DEP, Div. of Materials Management.
