Town of Bristol

Bristol is one of 5 communities participating in our Solid Waste Advisory Team (SWAT) program, focused on improving their transfer station in specific, impactful ways. Bonnie and Heather, our Member Services Reps, along with a variety of other local recycling operators and experts, have had the opportunity to visit Bristol twice to see what's working and what they're improving. It's really exciting and rewarding work - from the beautiful blue horizontal baler, to the smart cardboard slot (so residents flatten their cardboard prior to recycling) - there's a lot to celebrate! Just look at those GREAT cardboard bales!!
Bristol residents know recycling is worth it! In 2021, they recycled over 5 TONS OF TIRES, diverting them from the landfill or incinerator. By recycling tires back into raw material, they saved the energy equivalent of burning 2,134 POUNDS OF COAL from being burned!
Great Job, Bristol! Your ongoing dedication to recycling is AWESOME!!
Bristol is one of 5 communities participating in our Solid Waste Advisory Team (SWAT) program, focused on improving their transfer station in specific, impactful ways. Bonnie and Heather, our Member Services Reps, along with a variety of other local recycling operators and experts, have had the opportunity to visit Bristol twice to see what's working and what they're improving. It's really exciting and rewarding work - from the beautiful blue horizontal baler, to the smart cardboard slot (so residents flatten their cardboard prior to recycling) - there's a lot to celebrate! Just look at those GREAT cardboard bales!!
Bristol residents know recycling is worth it! In 2021, they recycled over 5 TONS OF TIRES, diverting them from the landfill or incinerator. By recycling tires back into raw material, they saved the energy equivalent of burning 2,134 POUNDS OF COAL from being burned!
Great Job, Bristol! Your ongoing dedication to recycling is AWESOME!!
This material is based upon work supported under a grant by the Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Rural Utilities Service. Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc., is an equal opportunity provider and employer.