Step 3: Create a Dedicated Recycling Space

Now that you know WHERE to bring your recycling (curbside, a recycling center, or transfer station) and you know WHAT you'll be recycling (paper, glass, or aluminum) it's time to figure out HOW you will store it during the week.
At home recycling collection bins can be as simple or specific as you'd like!
Some easy upcycled examples include:
- Paper bags to hold paper recycling
- An extra waste bin to hold aluminum cans
- An old wooden box for glass bottles
Tuck your recycling bin somewhere that is both out of the way enough, so you aren't annoyed, but close enough that you'll remember to use it such as under the sink, next to the garbage can, or an unused corner of the countertop.
If you have curbside recycling, your container may be provided to you from your town or city free of charge - contact your recycling provider to find out.
You can also purchase a new recycling bin, just be sure you have a good place for it to live!
♻️ Your Recycling Habit is off to a strong start:
STEP 1: Find out WHERE to recycle in town.
STEP 2: Pick ONE thing you can easily recycle (pick one: glass, paper, cardboard, aluminum cans)
STEP 3: Create a dedicated recycling space.
This material is based upon work supported under a grant by the Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Rural Utilities Service. Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc., is an equal opportunity provider and employer.