MOM Meeting - February 2024

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
9:00 am to 10:30 am EST
Location: NRRA Office at 2101 Dover Road in Epsom, NH
Member Operations Marketing (MOM) Meetings are open to all NRRA Municipal Members.
Please feel free to bring a fellow recycler!
This will be a hybrid meeting - you are welcome to join us in person or online.
Meeting Agenda:
- Introductions
- Cooperative Marketing and Purchasing
- Market Update
- Scrap Metal
- Technical Assistance and Education updates
- Recycling cooking oil
- Motor Vehicle Waste fund
- Input on potential landfill ban for lithium-ion batteries (HB 1386)
- Registration Open for the Recycling Conference & Expo (June 3-4)
- USDA Grant Updates
- Signage at your facility
- Full Cost Accounting (USDA eligible towns)
- Free Food Waste Diversion Workshops (April 16 & 17)
- NHDES Updates
- NH the Beautiful Programs
- Roundtable Discussion & Other Business
Here are instructions on how to join this meeting by phone, computer, or mobile device:
Click to join by video on your computer or mobile app.
To join by phone, please dial: 469-998-5899,
conference ID: 907 763 709#
Attendance at MOM meetings count as 1.5 hours of continuing professional development credit for the NH DES Solid Waste Operator Certification.