Aluminum: The Ultimate Recyclable

Recently, we were asked about aluminum recycling and were more than happy to share some interesting facts about one of the most popular recyclables: ALUMINUM.
✅ In 2021, NRRA recycled nearly 360 TONS of aluminum (that's almost 22 million soda cans!!) That's an energy savings that would power over 600 homes every day for a full year!
✅ Unlike other recyclables like plastic or paper, aluminum doesn't break down in the recycling process, which means it can be recycled again and again - FOREVER!
✅ Creating raw aluminum - which can be turned into everything from soda cans to car parts - from recyclables takes only 5% (!!!) of the energy needed to mine, smelt, and process aluminum from virgin ore. In other words, making one aluminum can from scratch uses as much energy as making 20 from recycled aluminum!
✅ While two-thirds of the world’s aluminum cans are recycled, 65-70 billion aluminum cans are discarded as waste on an annual basis. In the United States alone, $1 billion worth of aluminum cans are thrown away each year.
✅ Recycling aluminum has a QUICK TURNAROUND! An aluminum can recycled today will be back on the shelf as a new can within 2 months. That means that if all cans are recycled, a single can could show up on store shelves six times within the year - made with recycled aluminum!
✅ Did you know that aluminum products other than cans can be recycled? Other recyclable aluminum products include: siding, gutters, storm window frames, lawn furniture, foil, and aluminum packaging (be sure to check with your transfer station first!)
✅ JUST DON'T TOSS IT! The energy it takes to replace the aluminum cans trashed every year in the US is equivalent to 16 Million barrels of oil - that's enough to keep a million cars on the road for a year.
#nrrarecycles #nrrarecycleright
BONUS: Share these facts about Aluminum: the ULTIMATE recyclable with our free half-page printable (2 flyers per page)
This material is based upon work supported under a grant by the Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Rural Utilities Service. Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc., is an equal opportunity provider and employer.