Denise Lussier

Office Assistant

Denise Lussier is the Office Assistant of the Northeast Resource Recovery Association. Denise holds an Associates degree in Computer Programming and an Associates degree in Accounting from McIntosh College, and a BS in Business with a concentration in Computer Information Systems from Southern NH University. Denise worked for Liberty Mutual for 13 years, in various positions, mostly in IT. Denise moved to Apogent Technologies as a data analyst, where she supported an ERP system writing reports, creating forms, and updating software. When the company was acquired, Denise was happy to return to Liberty Mutual where she worked until 2013, when she left to stay at home to be available to 3 of her children as they became teenagers.

Ready to reenter the work force, Denise was excited to be offered the position at NRRA, as it was just what she was looking for! 

In her spare time, Denise is active with the senior ministry team at her church, making cards and chocolates, and spending time with her family and friends.


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