C&D Summits a Success - Part 1

March 29, 2023

In the fall of 2022, NRRA launched a new project aimed at Increasing Construction and Demolition Debris Diversion in Coos County, NH. The project is funded in part by a EPA Healthy Communities grant, and the first of three summits was held in December 2022. 

The NRRA Member Services team, along with our Executive Director, spent two days in Coos County presenting at the initial summit, and then taking part in site visits at two Coos County NRRA Member transfer stations. 

The first summit was limited solely to transfer station operators and was focused on providing an initial presentation on C&D and then gathering information about current C&D diversion in Coos County. It lasted for three hours and had a total of 20 attendees, which included EPA representative, Christine Beling. With a total of 14 of 20 towns from Coos County represented at the summit, attendees represented 53.56% (16,748 people) of Coos County’s population. It should be noted that the City of Berlin, which represents 30% of the population in Coos County, was unable to attend.

A full room at the Lancaster Town Hall for the first C&D Diversion Summit

Through robust discussion, several areas of interest were revealed, with the intent of NRRA bringing additional information to the second summit. Some highlights of note include:

  • Most communities reported that they bring their C&D to Mt. Carberry Landfill, with a couple going to AVRRDD. At the second summit, NRRA will be providing info on C&D tipping and transportation fees for both of these landfills. 

  • Most communities reported that they have access to densifying options such as a backhoe or front-end loader. At the second summit, NRRA will be providing data on pre-crusher and auger costs and estimated payback of purchase.

  • All communities reported that they take material from business and contractors, but it seems most have an issue with the amount of material they are receiving. During the next summit, a short presentation will discus facility permits and what they are allowed to receive (this includes service area as well). 

  • A big issue most agreed on is the increased influx of C&D material, which is assumed to be from people moving to the area during and post-Covid (there are a lot of new and remodeling of houses, for example.) While older data may be difficult to obtain, NRRA will try to get some data on pre-covid numbers for the second summit. 

Questions to spur conversation and a holly-jolly photo of the Member Services Team, Brian Patnoe and Bonnie Bethune, and NRRA Executive Director, Reagan Bissonnette

Now that the baseline has been determined from our on-the-ground experts - the transfer station operators at Coos County facilities - NRRA will be inviting even more town representatives to attend - such as town managers and select board members, among others.

Feedback from the initial summit was overwhelmingly positive. Greg Hogan, Public Works Superintendent for the Town of Carroll noted,

"I thought that the meeting was a success. I hope you feel the same way. I think it was a good turnout. I appreciate you guys coming up to the North Country... The North Country gets forgotten sometimes. We are usually the ones traveling... I know it's a long ride for you and all. It's nice that you did that. Just wanted to say thank you." 

NRRA Member Services will be gathering additional information for ongoing discussion and a second presentation at the Second Summit. 





This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement HC-00A01024 to Northeast Resource Recovery Association. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA.  

Northeast Resource Recovery Association complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).